@phdthesis{Gross2020, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Daniel Thomas Gro{\"s}}, title = {An implementation approach of the gap navigation tree using the TurtleBot 3 Burger and ROS Kinetic}, journal = {Ein Implementierungsansatz des Differenz Navigation Baum mit dem TurtleBot 3 Burger und ROS Kinetic}, doi = {10.25924/opus-3888}, pages = {IX, 73}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The creation of a spatial model of the environment is an important task to allow the planning of routes through the environment. Depending on the number of sensor inputs different ways of creating a spatial environment model are possible. This thesis introduces an implementation approach of the Gap Navigation Tree which is aimed for usage with robots that have a limited amount of sensors. The Gap Navigation Tree is a tree structure based on depth discontinuities constructed from the data of a laser scanner. Using the simulated TurtleBot 3 Burger and ROS kinetic a framework is created that implements the theory of the Gap Navigation Tree. The framework is structured in a way that allows using different robots with different sensor types by separating the detection of depth discontinuities from the building and updating of the Gap Navigation Tree.}, language = {en} }