Year of publication
Document Type
- Master's Thesis (486)
- Article (484)
- Conference Proceeding (424)
- Part of a Book (233)
- Book (107)
- Report (29)
- Other (18)
- Doctoral Thesis (14)
- Working Paper (10)
- Preprint (5)
- Wirtschaft (358)
- Forschungszentrum Mikrotechnik (265)
- Technik | Engineering & Technology (197)
- Forschungszentrum Business Informatics (176)
- Department of Computer Science (Ende 2021 aufgelöst; Integration in die übergeordnete OE Technik) (164)
- Soziales & Gesundheit (151)
- Forschungsgruppe Empirische Sozialwissenschaften (120)
- Forschungszentrum Human Centred Technologies (107)
- Forschungszentrum Energie (97)
- Didaktik (mit 31.03.2021 aufgelöst; Integration ins TELL Center) (68)
- Social Work (18)
- Organizational Studies, Economic Sociology (17)
- Social Structure, Social Inequality (17)
- Soziale Arbeit (16)
- Digitalisierung (14)
- arrayed waveguide gratings (13)
- Controlling (11)
- Laser ablation (11)
- Y-branch splitter (11)
- +KDC 122 (9)
Die Digitalisierung hat in den letzten Jahren nahezu alle Bereiche unseres Lebens durchdrungen und verändert, so auch den Bereich der Selbsthilfe. Selbsthilfegruppen, die traditionell auf persönlichen Treffen und dem direkten Austausch basieren, stehen nun vor der Herausforderung, sich der digitalen Welt anzupassen. Gleichzeitig eröffnen sich durch die Digitalisierung aber auch neue Möglichkeiten und Chancen. Das Ziel in dieser Masterarbeit ist zum einen die Erhebung eines Ist-Standes bei den Selbsthilfegruppen in Vorarlberg, um herauszufinden, wie es ihnen in Bezug auf die Digitalisierung geht, und zum anderen soll der Frage nachgegangen werden, wie Mitglieder von Selbsthilfegruppen den Einfluss der Digitalisierung auf die zentralen Effekte von Selbsthilfe wahrnehmen. Zur Beantwortung dieser Forschungsfrage wurde im Sommer und Herbst 2023 eine quantitative Fragebogenstudie durchgeführt. Der Fragebogen wurde über den Dachverband der Selbsthilfe Vorarlberg an alle ihm bekannten Selbsthilfegruppen in Vorarlberg verteilt. Er erfasst Daten zu den demografischen Merkmalen der Gruppenmitglieder und deren Erfahrungen mit der Digitalisierung im Kontext von Selbsthilfe sowie Antworten auf die Fragen zur Wirksamkeit von Selbsthilfe in Offline- und Online-Settings. Die Analyse der erhobenen Daten ergab, dass trotz vieler Vorteile der digitalen Kommunikation die persönliche Begegnung in der realen Welt vom Großteil der Studienteilnehmer:innen als wirksamer und hilfreicher empfunden wird. In der Studie wurde zudem sichtbar, dass die digitalen Kompetenzen von Alter, Einkommen und Bildungsniveau abhängen. Durch die Coronapandemie wurde die Digitalisierung der Selbsthilfegruppen zwar beschleunigt, jedoch nahmen die Frequenz und Qualität der Treffen in dieser Zeit merklich ab. Zusammenfassend scheint der direkte zwischenmenschliche Kontakt für die Qualität des Austausches und die Unterstützungsfunktion der Gruppen von zentraler Bedeutung zu sein. Digitale Formate können eine sinnvolle Ergänzung darstellen, aber Face-to-Face-Begegnungen nicht ersetzen. Um möglichst allen die Teilhabe an der Digitalisierung zu gewährleisten, müssen gezielt Maßnahmen ergriffen werden, um Hürden abzubauen und Fähigkeiten zu fördern.
Diese Masterarbeit analysiert den Prozess der Krankentransporte in Vorarlberg und identifiziert Potenziale zur Steigerung von Qualität und Effizienz. Krankentransporte sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Gesundheitssystems und erfordern sorgfältige Planung, Koordination und qualifiziertes Personal. Die Arbeit behandelt Herausforderungen wie professionelle Ausbildung, Sicherheit, Kommunikation, Effizienz und Zeitmanagement. Durch eine Kombination aus semistrukturierten Interviews mit Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern der Landeswarnzentrale und der Rettungs- und Feuerwehrleitstelle, direkten Beobachtungen und der Analyse von Daten aus SQL-Datenbanken werden bestehende Prozesse detailliert untersucht. Die Analyse deckt Schwachstellen in der Datenerfassung und -qualität auf und identifiziert ineffiziente Abläufe. Auf Basis der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse werden konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen entwickelt, darunter die Einführung eines Onlineportals zur Anmeldung von Krankentransporten, die Entwicklung von Unterstützungstools für Disponentinnen und Disponenten, strengere Kontrollen bei der Ausstellung von Transportscheinen und die Optimierung des Transports am Behandlungsort. Die Arbeit beantwortet die Forschungsfrage, welche Potenziale zur Steigerung der Qualität und Effizienz von Krankentransporten in Vorarlberg bestehen, und liefert praxisnahe Ansätze zur Prozessverbesserung, die zu einer effizienteren und zuverlässigeren Patientenversorgung beitragen.
EU regulations get stricter from 2028 on by imposing net-zero energy building (NZEB) standards on new residential buildings including on-site renewable energy integration. Heat pumps (HP) using thermal building mass, and Model Predictive Control (MPC) provide a viable solution to this problem. However, the MPC potential in NZEBs considering the impact on indoor comfort have not yet been investigated comprehensively. Therefore, we present a co-simulative approach combining MPC optimization and IDA ICE building simulation. The demand response (DR) potential of a ground-source HP and the long-term indoor comfort in an NZEB located in Vorarlberg, Austria over a one year period are investigated. Optimization is performed using Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) based on a simplified RC model. The HP in the building simulation is controlled by power signals obtained from the optimization. The investigation shows reductions in electricity costs of up to 49% for the HP and up to 5% for the building, as well as increases in PV self-consumption and the self-sufficiency ratio by up to 4% pt., respectively, in two distinct optimization scenarios. Consequently, the grid consumption decreased by up to 5%. Moreover, compared to the reference PI controller, the MPC scenarios enhanced indoor comfort by reducing room temperature fluctuations and lowering the average percentage of people dissatisfied by 1% pt., resulting in more stable indoor conditions. Especially precooling strategies mitigated overheating risks in summer and ensured indoor comfort according to EN 16798-1 class II standards.
This paper investigates restart strategies for algorithms whose success depends on an algorithmic parameter λ. It is assumed that there exists a unique unknown optimal λ. After each restart λ is increased. The main question is whether there is an optimal strategy for choosing λ after each restart. To this end, possible restart strategies are classified into parameter-dependent strategy types. A loss function is introduced, that measures the wasted computational costs compared to the optimal strategy. One criterion that a viable restart strategy must satisfy is that the loss relative to the optimal λ is bounded. Experimental evidence demonstrates that this is not the case for all strategy types. However, for a specific strategy type, where the parameter λ is increased multiplicatively with an increasing constant ρ, the relative loss function has an upper bound. It will be shown, that for this strategy type there is an optimal choice for the parameter ρ that is independent of the optimal λ.
The role of leaders in the age of digital transformation is characterized by complexity and ambiguity. Consequently, leadership finds itself at a crossroads where hierarchy no longer seems to be the path to success. On the one hand, employees desire more autonomy and participation. On the other hand, leaders are compelled to relinquish and distribute power. Therefore, new directions and contemporary concepts are necessary, ones that enable non-hierarchical organizational and leadership models that go beyond the traditional Great Man Theory, which focuses on a single leader. In this vein, shared leadership emerges as an alternative to hierarchical leadership, emphasizing not the individual leader but the skills and expertise of all team members. Therefore, this approach relieves the formal leader and allows for the distribution of responsibilities. Indeed, this raises the question of the relevance of the formal leader in a team with shared leadership. Which role does the formal leader play in a shared leadership team? Drawing on a qualitative study this paper identifies personality, leadership mindset, and leadership tasks as main leadership categories, and uncovers the four leadership types enabler, connector, ambassador, and organizer. Adding to the leadership-as-practice literature (Alvehus, 2019; Raelin, 2018), our findings contribute to the development of shared leadership programs.
Machines and other driving components like compressors or fans usually generate vibrations which frequently lead to acoustic noise. Flexible structures equipped with acoustic black holes minimise acoustic radiation by confining structural vibrations locally. One main restriction of its usage in the broad engineering field is its limited effectiveness at low frequencies. Recent investigations shifted the frequency range of attenuation successfully down to 1500 Hz. Moving the existing designs towards an even lower frequency demands a large structure. However, in general, sufficient space is often not available in machines and facilities. We propose a new design that enables a geometrically compact and simultaneously broadband vibration attenuation in the low-frequency below to 100 Hz: stacked wedges. The proposed design is calculated and optimised numerically by combining CAD and finite element calculations. The influence of geometrical parameters on the effectiveness of vibration attenuation is analysed with the help of transfer functions and dispersion curves. Successful designs of multi-stacked wedges at different lengths confirm their effectiveness at low frequency.
Introduction: Acoustic black holes (ABH) are capable to mitigate structural vibrations efficiently above a certain cut-on frequency. The most commonly used geometry for a flexible beam is a simple wedge following a power-law curve. A simple wedge demands large dimensions for achieving mitigation in the low-frequency range below 1000 Hz. It was shown recently by experiments and numerical simulation that a multi-wedge configuration is beneficial for realizing a compact design and still showing good performance at low frequencies.
Materials and Methods: The WKB approximation is extended for a single-wedge design. Expressions for the reflection coefficient and cut-on frequency are discussed for an arbitrary number of wedges—the suggested multi-wedge ABH.
Results: The main benefit of the stacked multi-wedge ABH is a great improvement in performance in the low-frequency range. A numerical example highlights the successful vibration mitigation. It is shown how a multi-wedge ABH is tuned towards low-frequency in terms of cut-on frequency and reflections’ coefficient. The improved performance of a multi-wedge ABH is benchmarked against the well-established simple ABH.
Noise from machine vibrations and oscillations is a growing problem in today’s society. The use of acoustic black holes (ABH) in the area of passive vibration damping as an absorbing metamaterial is an active research field. Previous work has been successful mainly in the higher frequency range above 1500 Hz. This work aims at vibration damping in the lower frequency range below 1500 Hz. Here, additively manufactured multi-wedge ABH with two, three, four and ten wedges were welded to a beam structure and measured to estimate which number of wedges produces the best damping for a specific frequency range. The manufactured wedges largely absorbed a vast amount of the vibration energy induced into the structure and showed promising results. It was found that the more wedges were welded to the beam, the more natural frequencies occurred in the low frequency range. In the case of the ABH with ten wedges, ten eigenmodes were detected in this range, all of which absorbed the induced vibration energy effectively in the low frequency range.