Hellwig, Michael
Year of publication
Document Type
- Conference Proceeding (17)
- Article (8)
- Part of a Book (3)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- Other (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- yes (30)
- Constrained Optimization (3)
- evolution strategies (3)
- ESG (2)
- Evolution Strategies (2)
- Sustainable Smart Service (2)
- Value co-creation (2)
- meta-es (2)
- mutation strength (2)
- Application (1)
- Automobilindustrie (1)
In this paper, we consider the question of data aggregation using the practical example of emissions data for economic activities for the sustainability assessment of regional bank clients. Given the current scarcity of company-specific emission data, an approximation relies on using available public data. These data are reported in different standards in different sources. To determine a mapping between the different standards, an adaptation to the Covariance Matrix Self-Adaptation Evolution Strategy is proposed. The obtained results show that high-quality mappings are found. Nevertheless, our approach is transferable to other data compatibility problems. These can be found in the merging of emissions data for other countries, or in bridging the gap between completely different data sets.
The ESG Service Creation Framework represents an innovative approach to the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations of the financial industry. It is designed to support the identification of the stakeholders in the service ecosystem and the potential of value co-creation. This work is concerned with the practical evaluation of the ESG Service Creation Framework. For this purpose, a series of expert interviews with specialists from the German-speaking financial sector were conducted, the evaluation of which is incorporated into the revision of the framework. The insights of the interviews, on the one hand, indicate the usefulness for such a framework especially for stakeholders less familiar with innovation processes. On the other hand, several suggestions for improvement were collected. The latter results are adopted to build an improved version of the framework and culminate in an illustrative service creation example. The evaluation of the framework, and the collection of valuable feedback contributes to the advancement of sustainable financial practices as well as the integration of ESG factors into corresponding products and services.
Creating a schedule to perform certain actions in a realworld environment typically involves multiple types of uncertainties. To create a plan which is robust towards uncertainties, it must stay flexible while attempting to be reliable and as close to optimal as possible. A plan is reliable if an adjustment to accommodate for a new requirement causes only a few disruptions. The system needs to be able to adapt to the schedule if unforeseen circumstances make planned actions impossible, or if an unlikely event would enable the system to follow a better path. To handle uncertainties, the used methods need to be dynamic and adaptive. The planning algorithms must be able to re-schedule planned actions and need to adapt the previously created plan to accommodate new requirements without causing critical disruptions to other required actions.
The usage of data gathered for Industry 4.0 and smart factory scenarios continues to be a problem for companies of all sizes. This is often the case because they aim to start with complicated and time-intensive Machine Learning scenarios. This work evaluates the Process Capability Analysis (PCA) as a pragmatic, easy and quick way of leveraging the gathered machine data from the production process. The area of application considered is injection molding. After describing all the required domain knowledge, the paper presents an approach for a continuous analysis of all parts produced. Applying PCA results in multiple key performance indicators that allow for fast and comprehensible process monitoring. The corresponding visualizations provide the quality department with a tool to efficiently choose where and when quality checks need to be performed. The presented case study indicates the benefit of analyzing whole process data instead of considering only selected production samples. The use of machine data enables additional insights to be drawn about process stability and the associated product quality.
Through mandatory ESG (environmental, social, governance) reporting large companies must disclose their ESG activities showing how sustainability risks are incorporated in their decision-making and production processes. This disclosure obligation, however, does not apply to small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), creating a gap in the ESG dataset. Banks are therefore required to collect sustainability data of their SME customers independently to ensure complete ESG integration in the risk analysis process for loans. In this paper, we examine ESG risk analysis through a smart science approach laying the focus on possible value outcomes of sustainable smart services for banks as well as for their (SME) customers. The paper describes ESG factors, how services can be derived from them, targeted metrics of ESG and an ESG Service Creation Framework (business ecosystem building, process model, and value creation). The description of an exemplary use case highlighting the necessary ecosystem for service creation as well as the created value concludes the paper.
Im vorliegenden Paper wird ein Vergleich zwischen Produktions-und Simulationsdaten präsentiert welches im Rahmen einer größeren Initiative zur Verwendung von Shopfloor Daten bei einem Projektpartner in der Automobilindustrie umgesetzt wurde. In diesem Projekt wurden die Daten die während der Füllbildsimulation entstehen mit den Daten aus der finalen Werkzeugabnahme verglichen um zu analysieren, wie genau diese miteinander über einstimmen. Je besser die Simulation ist, desto schneller kann der gesamte Werkzeugentwicklungsprozess abgewickelt werden, welcher als Kernprozess massives Einsparungspotenzial und damit Wettbewerbsvorteil mit sich bringt.
Recent developments in the area of Natural Language Processing (NLP) increasingly allow for the extension of such techniques to hitherto unidentified areas of application. This paper deals with the application of state-of-the-art NLP techniques to the domain of Product Safety Risk Assessment (PSRA). PSRA is concerned with the quantification of the risks a user is exposed to during product use. The use case arises from an important process of maintaining due diligence towards the customers of the company OMICRON electronics GmbH.
The paper proposes an approach to evaluate the consistency of human-made risk assessments that are proposed by potentially changing expert panels. Along the stages of this NLP-based approach, multiple insights into the PSRA process allow for an improved understanding of the related risk distribution within the product portfolio of the company. The findings aim at making the current process more transparent as well as at automating repetitive tasks. The results of this paper can be regarded as a first step to support domain experts in the risk assessment process.
Smart services disrupt business models and have the potential to stimulate the circular economy transition of regions, enabling an environmentally friendly atmosphere for sustainable and innovation-driven growth of regions. Although smart services are powerful means for deploying circular economy goals in industrial practices, there is little systematic guidance on how the adoption of smart services could improve resource efficiency and stimulate smart regional innovation-driven growth, enabled through circular design. Implemented in the scope of Vorarlberg’s smart specialization strategy, this paper contributes to the literature on the circular economy and regional innovation-driven growth by assessing critical factors of the value creation and value capture implemented within the scope of the quadruple helix system. By identifying the main challenges and opportunities of collaborative value creation and value capture in setting-up smart circular economy strategies and by assessing the role of innovation actors within the quadruple helix innovation system, the study provides recommendations and set of guidelines for managers and public authorities in managing circular transition. Finally, based on the analysis of the role of actors in creating shared value and scaling-up smart circular economy practices in the quadruple helix innovation systems, the paper investigates the role of banks as enablers of circular economy innovation-driven regional growth and smart value creation.
A modified matrix adaptation evolution strategy with restarts for constrained real-world problems
In combination with successful constraint handling techniques, a Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (MA-ES) variant (the εMAg-ES) turned out to be a competitive algorithm on the constrained optimization problems proposed for the CEC 2018 competition on constrained single objective real-parameter optimization. A subsequent analysis points to additional potential in terms of robustness and solution quality. The consideration of a restart scheme and adjustments in the constraint handling techniques put this into effect and simplify the configuration. The resulting BP-εMAg-ES algorithm is applied to the constrained problems proposed for the IEEE CEC 2020 competition on Real-World Single-Objective Constrained optimization. The novel MA-ES variant realizes improvements over the original εMAg-ES in terms of feasibility and effectiveness on many of the real-world benchmarks. The BP-εMAg-ES realizes a feasibility rate of 100% on 44 out of 57 real-world problems and improves the best-known solution in 5 cases.