Department of Computer Science (Ende 2021 aufgelöst; Integration in die übergeordnete OE Technik)
Year of publication
Document Type
- Conference Proceeding (62)
- Article (54)
- Book (22)
- Part of a Book (20)
- Report (4)
- Master's Thesis (1)
- Working Paper (1)
- Department of Computer Science (Ende 2021 aufgelöst; Integration in die übergeordnete OE Technik) (164)
- Technik | Engineering & Technology (164)
- Forschungszentrum Business Informatics (65)
- Forschungszentrum Human Centred Technologies (41)
- Wirtschaft (9)
- Forschungszentrum Energie (5)
- Department of Engineering (Ende 2021 aufgelöst; Integration in die übergeordnete OE Technik) (1)
- Forschungszentrum Mikrotechnik (1)
- English (112)
- German (50)
- Multiple languages (2)
Is part of the Bibliography
- yes (164)
Mobility choices - an instrument for precise automatized travel behavior detection & analysis
With Cloud Computing and multi-core CPUs parallel computing resources are becoming more and more affordable and commonly available. Parallel programming should as well be easily accessible for everyone. Unfortunately, existing frameworks and systems are powerful but often very complex to use for anyone who lacks the knowledge about underlying concepts. This paper introduces a software framework and execution environment whose objective is to provide a system which should be easily usable for everyone who could benefit from parallel computing. Some real-world examples are presented with an explanation of all the steps that are necessary for computing in a parallel and distributed manner.
IBH Living Lab AAL
One goal of the project described in this paper is to create learning algorithms for machines and robots that lack a precise virtual controller for correct simulations. Using a digital twin approach, the developed mixed reality application aims for an overlay of a virtual robot model with the real world counterpart using Microsoft HoloLens 2 smart glasses. The application should help users to have an inside look into the results of the learning algorithm and therefore supervise and improve those results. The main focus of this paper is the visual representation of the digital twin on the smart glasses. One of the challenges is the level of abstraction and specific use of shaders (program code defining material attributes) to help the user differentiating between virtual and real objects. Therefore different presentation methods are described and evaluated. Study results with 48 persons show that the most abstract representation (wireframe) scores lowest, whereas a half-transparent model works best.
Continuous monitoring of interactive exhibits in museums as part of a persuasive design approach
A modified matrix adaptation evolution strategy with restarts for constrained real-world problems
In combination with successful constraint handling techniques, a Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (MA-ES) variant (the εMAg-ES) turned out to be a competitive algorithm on the constrained optimization problems proposed for the CEC 2018 competition on constrained single objective real-parameter optimization. A subsequent analysis points to additional potential in terms of robustness and solution quality. The consideration of a restart scheme and adjustments in the constraint handling techniques put this into effect and simplify the configuration. The resulting BP-εMAg-ES algorithm is applied to the constrained problems proposed for the IEEE CEC 2020 competition on Real-World Single-Objective Constrained optimization. The novel MA-ES variant realizes improvements over the original εMAg-ES in terms of feasibility and effectiveness on many of the real-world benchmarks. The BP-εMAg-ES realizes a feasibility rate of 100% on 44 out of 57 real-world problems and improves the best-known solution in 5 cases.